Adventure 92: Frisch

Frisch is one of Salt Lake City's fine vegan dining. Also, it's pretty cute. I'm a sucker for bright colors.

I mean... adorable, right?

The dining area is decorated with cooking supplies, in creative ways.

And the cabinet is full of adorable hand-mades, which I'm pretty sure you can buy.

I spent most of the time chatting with the guy and gal behind the counter, so neglected to take any more pictures, but here's what I have to say about the food. The menu is very limited, which I kind of love. I don't like too many options. And a specialty restaurant like this having a few items, makes me feel like I could try everything on the menu and figure out what my favorites are pretty quickly.

I had the lentil soup, which was the soup de jour. Delicious. It was just the right amount of soup to warm me up, and satisfy me. It was also light enough to make me feel like I've eaten a healthy meal.  Really good!

Time spent on adventure: 20 minutes
Money spent: I could not find the receipt for the life of me! ... but I feel like it was around $6
Recommendation: 8.5 out of 10 adventure points!


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