Adventure 76: Atomic Arcade

This adventure is brought to you by my friend Travis. He's a bit of an arcade game fanatic. Like he collects the things! He owns 28 of them. 

I don't think I'd played an arcade game since I was 9, and I believe the game was Mrs. Pacman. I was delighted to try this totally new experience!

When we walked in, the first thing I noticed was that it smelled like an antique store, that stale lovely smell of the past.

We perused the games, and even played a few, including this old Pong game. I was much better at Pong when I played it on my family's old Commodore 64. This one had 2 small metal knobs, one for each player. I did not rock it.

Sorry about the devil eyes, Travis.

Travis was in his happy place. He really likes to look at them.

Who doesn't love Frogger? Just to be clear, this is not like a modern arcade where you pay for entry, or tokens. Anyone can walk in, all you need is change in your pocket (which incidentally you can get at the change machine) then pick your games to put your coins in.

Hard to resist the flashing messages as you pass the games challenging you to a game.

This Star Wars game, according to Travis is one of the best game plays of arcade games, ever. Travis talked about it being a color vector game, which allows it to be fast, due to the simple nature of the programming. He was pretty good at it. It's a lot of shooting objects in space.

Time spent on adventure: 30 minutes
Money spent: $0 (thanks to Travis. His pocket change used was under $5)
Recommendation: 8 out of 10 adventure points!


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