Adventure 110: A Game Testing Night

I love parlor games. Board games, charades, guessing games, I love them all. Throw in a few good friends in the mix and I'll take that any Sunday evening and consider myself a blessed woman. Luckily I can call Vaughn a friend. He not only hosts regular game nights on Sunday evenings but is a game designer. He is actually about to publish a game called "He Said, She Said" that is seriously such a good time. I have that game to thank for many almost-peeing-my-pants-from-laughter moments. 

I was recently invited to his place to test a new game he's developing. It has changed names a couple of times, so I can't confidently say what it's called. I believe the rules have changed since our test play, so I have not yet experienced the latest version, but it was a total fun night.

Here's his living room which I have many memories from over the years.

Vaughn, my friend Joseph and I sat at this table and had a go at a version of his new game.

The concept is around drawing cards of different spy personalities that having different abilities. Some abilities cancel each other out, others can work together to accomplish different objectives. It's a clever idea.

The fun part of jumping during a beta is seeing the brain of the game master at work. He took in our questions and feedback thoughtfully, as I could tell he was trying to figure out how to make his game better.

We went at it for a couple of hours and some parts were a little confusing, but I understand those aspects of the game have been changed. So I can't wait to play the updated game!

Time spent on adventure: 2 hours
Money spent: $0
Recommendation: 8 out of 10 adventure points! I highly recommend playing a game with friends. Not only does it activate a different part of your brain, but you get to know your friends in a way that nothing else does!


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