Adventure 105: World Refugee Day

If you missed, Salt Lake City's World Refugee Day was Saturday, June 4. Despite what the title of this event may lead you to believe, this is solely a Salt Lake City tradition. The "world" in the title suggests that there are refugees from all over the world in Salt Lake City, and the SLC chapter of the International Rescue Committee (which has been here since 1994) creates an event every year for food and culture from our refugees in our community to be shared. Incidentally, the SLC IRC has resettled over 9,000 refugees, and the current count of refugees living in Salt Lake City is over 60,000 individuals.

The World Refugee Day that is recognized world-wide is June 20.

I arrived late, so I missed all the performances. But the Tribune caught many of the moments on camera.

The bounce-house corner, where all of the kids seemed to be.

Many tents on this hot day packed with people. It looked like there were crafts, and activities, but I didn't push my way into the mass of people to participate.

Several community and government organizations were in representation...and if you wanted to volunteer, they had the volunteer forms ready there for you to fill out!

And what would an event with this many international people in one place be, without a global market?

I look forward to coming next early, at the beginning of the event! I probably won't be as hot, and hopefully I won't miss the shows.

Time spent on adventure: 1 hour
Money spent: $0
Recommendation: 6 out of 10 adventure points!


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