Adventure 96: Gun Rally

You might notice by the snow in the pictures that this adventure is a back-logged event. My friend Shawn and I were driving past the capital, and I couldn't help but notice the crowd of people on the capital steps. 

Well, I thought we ought to investigate.

As we got closer I noticed the peripherals were flanked by about a dozen state troopers.

As we got even closer, I started to notice some people displaying their right to bear arms.

As we got even closer, I started reading their signs and flags.

I figured out the were a group in favor of gun rights. I'm a pretty good investigative blogger.

There was a man speaking about what sounded like recent legislation affecting gun laws, which as far as I could tell was not Utah legislation... possibly Colorado?

I started questioning a nearby young man, who was not displaying a prominent gun, about who this group was, and what the purpose of the assembly was.

He told me there were three different organizations gathered who collaborate with the organization who was conducting the rally which (from what I could tell) keeps up on legislation affecting their vested concerns.

I asked him if there was up coming Utah legislation that might affect gun rights. He told me no. So, I guess they were just gathering to make a statement, though it's not really under threat.

As I kept listening to the speaker, I heard disparaging statements toward "the liberals" who are trying to take away their rights.

There were also a few signs telling the liberals where they can go.

Then I saw these guys. I don't know if they're sending the right message as a non-threatening, safe group by turning up to a gun rally in hoods and masks, but that's just my professional opinion.

This was my first rally I've attended. I've got to be honest, I was expecting more raised voices. They were a pretty well-behaved crowd. But I guess when you've got a large gun strapped to your back, you may not feel the need to raise your voice. Statement clear.

Time spent on adventure: 45 minutes
Money spent: $0
Recommendation: 8 out of 10 adventure points!


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