Adventure 98: Shawarma King

I was in 3300 South part of town, and was starving. I wondered what type of food might be found in a restaurant heralding "Middle Eastern" food. I knew I liked Indian and Pakistani food, so it seemed a safe bet.

First thing, the dude who seemed to be the server, and the owner brought me Aquafina for my water when I sat down. Nice gesture Shawarma King. Nice one!

Second thing of note: Good Times was playing on the big screen TV to my left. That was a fun throw-back!

Next item: the food. I have to admit, none of the items on the menu sounded like anything favorable to my palate. I definitely didn't have any experience with the food listed. There were no curries, no stir-fry veggie with rice type of dishes, so I went with what the server told me was the most popular dish. Holy cow! (Literally.) So much meat. I ate as much as I could, and that was maybe half of what was served me. The small "salad" which consisted of tomatoes, lettuce, and some sort of yogurt sauce was a strange combination for me. I managed a few bites of that. I'd say this place is a good choice for the meat-lovers out there.

My experience checking out was the most memorable. At first I thought the man taking my money just didn't know much about the restaurant when I asked him about the food, and what countries specifically the cuisine came from. Because he hardly made eye-contact with me, and told me (rather smugly) "it's middle-eastern food. Just middle-eastern." After a few more attempts trying to engage with him, with no success, a man came up to the counter (another customer.) He interrupted our interaction to give the man at the counter his money. He met this man with smiles, and hearty conversation. I realized he may not feel the most favorable toward women. Or maybe Americans? Or maybe he didn't like red-heads? Whatever it was, it was a first for me, so I'm grateful to have had that experience of my attempted friendliness being coldly met, because I bet there are many out there who face that much more often than I do. It stung a little.

Bravo to the colors of the place!

Time spent on adventure: 30 minutes
Money spent: ≈ $7
Recommendation: 3 out of 10 adventure points! (As you may have surmised, there were a few factors influencing my rating that may not affect some of you. I'm sure there are several of my readers who would enjoy the experience here)


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