Adventure 90: Heart Beads Jewelry

I had a delightful adventure at Heart Beads Jewelry in  Murray. It was one of my favorites because it was unexpected. You KNOW I love the unexpected! I had actually emailed this place over year ago inquiring about jewelry repair, they told me a year ago to bring my stuff in.Well, I finally got around to it. It's in a part of town I'm not in very often, but maybe I should be.

I had three necklaces that needed repairing. A bead necklace that broke a few years ago, and needed to be re-threaded; another one that needed a few little metal holding peices replaced; and my Grandmother's necklace, which doesn't quite sit on my collarbone right, so I came in to see if they had anything that might match the design to extend it a little bit.

The young lady behind the counter told me it would be pretty expensive to have her re-thread my necklace, so she suggested I have a seat, and re-thread it myself, and she'd just charge me for supplies. Well, of course I did.

This is where the unexpected part comes in. While she got to work on my other two necklaces, I plopped down at a table where a gaggle of females were seated, and I started threading.

The two young girls in front of me were girl scouts working on a badge. They were making a bracelet and necklace set... for each other. I know. Precious. They were very focused.

The other women at the table seemed to be career jewelry makers. I think it was mostly a hobby, but a very passionate one. I discovered Heart Beads Jewelry has a featured necklace every month that you can come in and learn how to make. They also provide individual tutorials, which is what the girl scouts were doing. These women come in regularly and make jewelry at this table, they called it their therapy.

In fact there were three generations of jewelry makers there, one of them an employee. It was so fun to sit there as they pleasantly chatted. It was actually quite soothing. It reminded me of when my mom used to sit around a quilting square with women in the neighborhood. They'd quietly talk about anything and everything as they meticulously make their designs. As you can see, they have no lack of supplies for making the goods.

So many beads of all colors and shapes.

So many.

I was pleased with the small change made to my grandmother's necklace. I had to wait a but to check out, as there was a small rush of customers that came in as I was ready to leave. So the actually activity was well under an hour. So fun!

Time spent on adventure: 1 hour
Money spent: $10.42 -- not bad, right? 
Recommendation: 8 out of 10 adventure points!


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