My Adventure Begins

So, I've found myself unemployed, and newly self-employed. As you might imagine, things take time to catch fire. My mornings are spent exercising and researching. After putting in a hard 4 hours, momma needs a break. While incredibly productive, there is no outside stimuli from sitting in a home office for hours alone with your thoughts. So, I started going out into the city I live, Salt Lake City, Utah, and having adventures. An adventure constitutes something I've never done/tried/it's been a long time/I may regret this but I may regret not doing it more-type activities.

I've lived in SLC for over 10 years, and thought I knew it pretty well. Turns out, there are all sorts of treasures to be found.  I'm to going chronicle my adventures here. I will do a little bit of back-tracking so as to share what I've found so far.

Oh, this is me.

Join me on my adventure, even suggest an adventure. I'll probably do it.


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