Adventure 58: The Nature Study Area, Preservation Area, and Day-Riverside Branch Library

I was driving through Rose Park, and like every time I seem to be in this area, I spotted something unexpected. After passing this sign, I immediately doubled back and said to myself, "self, what is this nature study area?" 

Well, I investigated.

I first entered the library. As soon as I entered, I saw the door at the opposite end of the hall that led to a patio outside, so I opened my umbrella back up, and went to explore.

The plaza had some interesting art pieces and benches.

But beyond the plaza laid a path. I later learned this are is a protected animal preservation area. A river sat a few hundred feet behind the plaza, and there were birds filling the trees. When I started taking the path toward the back of the library, I encountered a gaggle of ducks.

 The area is beautiful! The path continues well beyond the library, from what I could tell when I drove down the road later, for several miles at least.

 But the funnest part of this walk behind the library brought me to a garden that looked like it was flourishing just a few weeks ago. Which it probably was, before the cold weather hit.

Some beautifully orange dying crops.

 Oooh... what's this, a stone-lined path?

 Let's see where this leads.

 Oh! It's a beautiful garden!

Turns out it's a community garden. A very well labelled one at that.

What's pludt?

Okay, so after my tour around the exterior, I found my way back to the front of the library. Let's see what's inside, shall we?

I found it quite aesthetically pleasing. Bright colors always make me happy.

Also, they have family yoga once a month. This looks fantastic! Can I borrow someone's child to go to this? I have a feeling I might get weird looks if I show up without one.

The book shelves have bright color blocking. Totally diggin it.

The seating areas have an amazing view of the protected terrain just outside.

They are a recognized library that contributes to the latin community.

 A beautiful sky light in the middle of the space.

An entire spanish section.

A few more shots of the protected terrain, this is in the front of the building. The library employee I talked to about this told me they sometimes get snakes that show up in the doorways of the library, and they are not allowed to kill them.

 Okay, full disclosure, I'm obsessed with touching tree bark. These old trees were especially appealing. They were huge, and the bark was very interesting looking. Check it out.

 Another delightful unexpected adventure! If you're ever in rose park, make the stop.

Time spent on adventure: 1.5 hours
Money spent: $0
Recommendation: 8 out of 10 adventure points!


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