Adventure 24: Natural History Museum of Utah

This adventure is brought to you by my friend Garrett. He provided the adventure, and joined me!

The first striking thing about the Natural History Museum is the design of the building. The architecture is striking from the outside with its jagged shape, as well as the interior with the flow and the way the different exhibits connect.

There is much to see... and interact with! For example this installment that allows you to push water on the sand to watch the affect it has on the sand's movement. Drinking from the water spout is not recommended.

This is one of my favorites, it allows you to select the time period and see what the earth looked like in a date range... even from millions of years ago.

These cases full of artifacts line each exhibit full of amazing things to look at.

There is a new exhibit on the roof, "Nature Unleashed" which also allows you to se the solar panels...

... and a fantastic view of the valley.

The natural formation of clouds and stars are the focus on the roof.

Garrett thought the mouse trap between the doors should make it on the blog. It did make me wonder if I'd see a mouse scurrying about on my visit.

More of "Nature Unleashed" on the top floor.

And of course the dinosaur exhibit was a huge hit. There is even a sculpture of the new species that was discovered recently here in Utah, it does not yet have a name. It looks similar to a velociraptor. 

More interactive displays! Although the glass floor with dino bones beneath my feet was unnerving. I kept feeling I would step down onto a bone.

Where the magic of uncovering the dino bones takes place!

The biggest highlight for me, was of course the spiders. I wish I could have held one. The fury ones just seem so cuddly. 

Garrett apparently wanted to do more than just hold one.

These didn't picture very well, but these lizards were incredibly colorful... and cuddly with each other.

Time spent on adventure: 2 hours
Money spent: $0 (because Garrett paid for me, individual tickets are $11)
Recommendation: 8 out of 10 adventure points!


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